Tōtara Park Bridle Path

A postcard from Tōtara Park Bridle Path, 90R Wairere Road, The Gardens, Auckland 2105

We’ve been having a very wet and humid summer this year. It’s February now and Auckland is still green, long after you would have expected her to have turned gold. To be honest, it isn’t very pleasant walking weather, but we’ve tried to make the most of the better windows we’ve had.

This was one of these walks. A quick drive on a weekend morning before the air became too heavy. We left the car in an empty carpark and made our way through the sleepy park, but despite layers of grey, the heat was already hitting hard before we reached the summit. Climbing up the long and steep gravel path that leads to a pasture of cows and driveway shaded by pines, we were overtaken by a barefoot hiker who must have been well into his seventies, lean and weather-beaten with a big white Father Christmas beard, carrying a backpack as big as himself, shoes in his hand. Clearly just passing through, though goodness knows whence from, or where he was headed.

On a clear day, views stretch long over the fields and across Auckland, but that morning the horizon was misty and blue. The grass was high around us, sprinkled with rich satin yellows and delicate off-whites. Tiny red flowers sprawled underfoot. By the time we reached the car again heavy drops of rain were beginning to fall.

Thinking of checking it out?

Here’s the link to the Auckland Path website page, but as you can see from the map above, you could take several slightly different routes – hence distance and stroller suitability are debatable! Although it is a gravel path, there are some pretty steep sections and I don’t think it would be an enjoyable walk with a city stroller (eg. Edwards & Co). We took the baby carrier. There are public toilets at Beaufords’ (an old homestead in the park) and several children’s play areas along the way.